



Serving Humanity

Life as a Philanthropist

Mufti Abdul Wahab has always focused on bringing significant change to society. To make his contribution, he inaugurated a charity organisation back in 2012. Al-Wahab Foundation (formerly known as Ummah Charity International) is a UK-registered charity organisation serving to transform lives for over a decade. Al-Wahab Foundation has aimed to stand out as a well-reputed NGO encompassing various welfare projects that work towards providing relief to people affected by financial constraints, food deprivation, disabilities, natural disasters, and those living without a sustainable source of income.



The trust of his followers, who consider him a man of the right words and school of thought, made his way to a television appearance. Mufti Abdul Wahab went on-air in 2006 with ARY QTV’s Question and Answer show. The show established his identity as the youngest Islamic Q and A show host in the UK. After that, he joined Iqra TV in 2011 for a show called “Q and A with Mufti Abdul Wahab”. He is currently working at Islam Channel Urdu (Sky 755, Virgin 839) as the host of the show, Guftagoo, which he started in 2015.

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46 minutes ago

Mufti Abdul Wahab
Only 20 days remain until the blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah ﷻ grant us the ability to prepare our hearts, purify our intentions, and welcome this sacred time with sincerity and devotion. Ameen. 🤲🌙رمضان المبارک کی برکتیں ہم سے صرف 20 دن کے فاصلے پر ہیں۔ اے اللہ! ہمیں اس مقدس مہینے کی صحیح معنوں میں تیاری کرنے، اپنے گناہوں سے سچی توبہ کرنے، اور تیرے قریب ہونے کی توفیق عطا فرما۔ آمین #MuftiAbdulWahab #fyp #islam #Muslims #Ramadan #RamadanCountdown #Prayera #blessings ... See MoreSee Less
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16 hours ago

Mufti Abdul Wahab
آج کا موضوع "دو طرح کے"دو طرح کے گھر کبھی کامیاب نہیں ہوتے پہلے وہ جہاں ہر فیصلہ گھر کی عورتیں کرتی ہیں اور دوسرا وہ جہاں کسی بھی فیصلے میں عورت کا کوئی مشورہ کوئی رائے نہیں سنی جاتی۔۔۔دو طرح کی عورتیں کبھی گھر نہیں بسا سکتیں ایک وہ جو سسرال کی ہر بات اپنی ماں اپنی سہیلی یا پھر اپنی پڑوسن کو بتاتی ہے۔۔۔دوسری وہ جو اپنے سسرال کی کوئی بھی بات کسی کو بھی نہیں بتاتی حتیٰ کہ ظلم و جبر تک ۔۔۔دو طرح کے مرد قابل اعتبار نہیں ہوتے ایک وہ جو ہردوسری عورت سے متاثر ہوجاتے ہیں ایک وہ جو اپنے گھر کی عورت کے ہنر کو گھر کی مرغی دال برابر سمجھتے ہیں۔۔۔دو طرح کی عورتیں قابل عزت نہیں ہوتیں ایک وہ جو اپنے ہی جیسی کسی عورت کے گھر کو توڑنے پر تل جائے ایک وہ جو سب پر اعتبار کرلے ماسوائے اپنے شوہر کے۔۔۔دو طرح کے مرد حسین ہوتے ہیں ایک وہ جو بھری محفل میں بھی اپنی عورت کو محفوظ احساس فراہم کرے ایک وہ جو اپنی بیوی کی کامیابی کو خوش دلی سے قبول کرلے۔۔۔ دو طرح کی غلط فہمی کبھی سوچوں کے دامن سے نہیں اترتیں ایک وہ جو کسی نے کسی کی پیٹھ پیچھے ہمارے کانوں میں بھری ہو ایک وہ جو پاس بیٹھ کر سلجھائی ناگئی ہو۔۔۔دو طرح کے لوگ آپ کو ہمیشہ یاد رہتے ہیں ایک وہ جنکو آپ یاد رکھنا چاہتے ہیں دوسرے وہ جن کو آپ بھولنا چاہتے ہوں۔۔۔۔اور آخر میں دو طرح کے باذوق لوگ ہوتے ہیں ایک وہ جو پوری تحریر پڑھے بغیر سرخ دل کے ساتھ واہ واہ کردیتے ہیں ایک وہ جو لفظوں میں چھپے درد اور احساس کو حقیقی معنوں میں سمجھ کر لکھنے والے کی حوصلہ افزائی کرتے ہیں۔۔۔۔#MuftiAbdulWahab #fyp #domesticlife #women #decisionmaking #familylife #society #blog #opinion ... See MoreSee Less
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19 hours ago

Mufti Abdul Wahab
Our dear friend, Yasir Virk, hosted a wonderful and generous dinner, bringing together many friends. Along with enjoying the evening, we also planned for Al-Wahab Foundation charity dinner, which will take place this Saturday in East London. I sincerely thank Yasir Virk and all my friends for making this evening memorable!ہمارے نہایت ہی محترم دوست، یاسر ورک نے ایک شاندار اور پرتکلف عشائیے کا اہتمام کیا، جہاں دیگر قریبی دوست احباب بھی شریک ہوئے۔ اس خوبصورت محفل میں خوشگوار لمحات گزارنے کے ساتھ ساتھ الوہاب فاؤنڈیشن کے زیر اہتمام بروز ہفتہ ایسٹ لندن میں منعقد ہونے والے چیریٹی ڈنر کے لیے حکمتِ عملی بھی طے کی گئی۔ میں دل کی گہرائیوں سے یاسر ورک اور تمام دوستوں کا شکریہ ادا کرتا ہوں، جنہوں نے اس شام کو یادگار بنایا۔#MuftiAbdulWahab #fyp #dinner #friends #gatheting #awfcharitydinner ... See MoreSee Less
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A Beautiful Hadees Related to Allah's Blessings

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Al-Wahab Tours

Very few people know that Mufti Abdul Wahab is a passionate traveller who loves to explore new places, specifically those unveiling Islamic history. He has toured over 50 countries, documenting sites of religious, historical, and natural brilliance while educating his viewers in the light of his knowledge through his YouTube Channel. The most popular and significant of his tours are those to Al Aqsa Mosque, as he was the first to show the holy site to a larger Muslim audience and encouraged people to visit it. Other places he visited, along with tour groups arranged under the banner of Al-Wahab Tours, include Jordan, Bosnia, Spain, and Saudi Arabia.


Mufti Abdul Wahab (Urdu: مفتی عبدل وہاب, born 18 February 1972 is an Islamic Scholar born in Karachi, Pakistan, currently based in London, working as a religious scholar and the Chairman of a UK registered Charity called Al-Wahab Foundation. He was recognized by the Councillor of the Borough of Brent for his service to the community in 2021. He was also invited to talk at the Two-day International Seerat Conference by the Prime Minster of Pakistan in 2018.


Mufti Abdul Wahab (Urdu: مفتی عبدل وہاب, born 18 February 1972. He is an Islamic Scholar born in Karachi, Pakistan, currently based in London, working as a religious scholar and the Chairman of a UK registered Charity called Al-Wahab Foundation. He was recognized by the Councillor of the Borough of Brent for his service to the community in 2021. He was also invited to talk at the Two-day International Seerat Conference by the Prime Minster of Pakistan in 2018.

About Mufti Abdul Wahab

But Allah is Your Protector,
And He is The Best of Helpers.

Surah Al-Imran, 3:150

Early Life

Wahab was born on the 18th of February 1972 in Karachi, Pakistan, where he received his early education in Qur’anic studies and became Hafiz al Quran as a teenager. He then attended Madrassah Mahadul Khaeel ul Islami of which he was one of the first alumni. He then went to peruse his title as Mufti at Jamia Binoria Karachi, under the guidance of Yousuf Ludhianvi and Mufti Muhammad Naeem. Wahab identifies as a Sunni, Ehel e Sunnat al Jamaat sect of Islam.


Mufti Abdul Wahab

Islamic Scholar

He became the youngest Islamic scholar to host a live question and answer TV show in the UK in the language of Urdu, which aired on ARY QTV in 2006.

In 2011, he began his work as a host of an Islamic live question and answer show on Iqra TV called “Q and A with Mufti Abdul Wahab”.

He is currently working at Islam Channel Urdu as the host of the show, Guftagoo, which he started in 2015.

Work in Social Sector

In 2012, he registered the now well-known Charitable organisation Al-Wahab Foundation, of which he is currently the Chairman. Al-Wahab Foundation has since established itself as a well-regarded NGO. The charity encompasses a number of projects that work towards providing relief to people effected by natural disasters, people with disabilities, those living without a stable income among other vulnerable groups.

Awards and Recognition

1. In 2021, He was presented an honorary award by Councillor Arshad Mahmood of the Borough of Brent for his service to the community.

2. He was invited to speak at the Two-day International Seerat Conference by the Prime Minster of Pakistan on the 20th and 21st of November 2018.

3. He was Invited to speak at the Provincial Seerat un Nabi Conference Religious’ Tolerance in the Light of the Teachings of the Holy Prophet in 2018.


  1. He travels across the world, mostly to sites of religious and historic importance.
  2. His most influential travels have been to Al Aqsa Mosque.
  3. Since 2015, he has been arranging group travels to the site and documenting his visits on his YouTube Channel, where he also informs his viewers of the religious history and significance of the place.
  4. He has also documented his travels to Saudi Arabia, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Pakistan and most recently to Spain on his YouTube Channel.
  5. In total, he has travelled to almost 50 countries.

Mufti Abdul Wahab Views

On Women

Mufti Abdul Wahab in his Q and A show Guftagoo on Islam Channel Urdu and his YouTube Channel has often expressed his views on the status of women in society. In a video published on his YouTube Channel in November 2017, he says, “It is sad to see that men like these exist in our society, who think it is okay to mistreat their wives, when our Prophet has commanded us time and again to treat women with respect.

In another video published in September 2021, he say, “Irrelevant if what a women wears, it is the duty of us Muslim men to remain respectful towards them.

On Religious Tolerance

Wahab has often advocated for religious tolerance, urging his followers to remain respectful towards people of all faiths. In a question and answer session in 2017, he answered a caller’s question saying, “Yes, of course you can eat a meal prepared by a non-Muslim, the Prophet frequently did so, as long as it is halal. We need to have respect and tolerance towards everyone in our hearts as Muslims.

Mentions in the Press

  1. UK44 reported Wahab’s visit to Baitul Muqaddas, Al Aqsa Mosque in 2018 as special programme.
  2. Rozanama Parwan, a daily Urdu newspaper published an article on Wahab’s visit to Ubaro, Sindh in 2019 for the installation of some handpumps in relation to work with Al-Wahab Foundation.
  3. PTV News aired Mufti Abdul Wahab addressing a conference called the INTERNATIONAL REHMAT-UL-LIL ALAMEEN CONFERENCE in November 2018 in Islamabad.
  4. Kab Tak TV aired the Sewing Machine distribution ceremony, chaired by Mufti Abdul Wahab, hosted by Al-Wahab Foundation as part of their Women Empowerment initiative.


  1.  “MUFTI ABDUL WAHAB – OFFICIAL WEBSITE”. Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  2. ↑ Jump up to:2.0 2.1 “Chairman’s Message”Al-Wahab Foundation. Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  3.  “Maahad Ul Khalil, Bahadurabad, Karachi (2021)”www.schoolandcollegelistings.com. Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  4.  “Jamia Binoria Aalimiyah”binoria.org. Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  5.  “ARYQTV | ARY QTV is the 1st religious channel being broadcast from Pakistan. You Can Watch Scholors Programs, Naats , Hadeeth, Tilawat-e-Quran majid”. Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  6.  Q AND A MUFTI WAHAB, retrieved 2021-09-16
  7.  “Islam Channel Urdu | Home of the Urdu Community in the UK & Worldwide”Islam Channel Urdu. Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  8. ↑ Jump up to:8.0 8.1 “Guftagoo Archives”Islam Channel Urdu. Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  9.  “Two-day Int’l Seerat Conference to begin in Islamabad today”Dunya News. Retrieved 2021-09-16.

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